Why are motoring journalists quoting controversial opinions on cycling from Jeremy Clarkson?

In the BBC Today programme's review of the papers this morning, they chose to quote from an opinion piece by Jeremy Clarkson. Perhaps they subscribe to the view that Clarkson is a bit of fun. This is mistaken. Cyclist deaths are rising again in the UK, unlike those of other road users. There is a connection between this fact and the sort of jokey hate articles Clarkson writes.

Clarkson wrote: “Trespassers in the motorcars domain, they do not pay road tax and therefore have no right to be on the road, some of them even believe they are going fast enough to not be an obstruction. Run them down to prove them wrong. Do not cruise through red lights. Because if I’m coming the other way, I will run you down, for fun and do not pull up at junctions in front of a line of traffic. Because if I’m behind you, I will set off at normal speed and you will be crushed under my wheels.”

Please think hard before giving Clarkson the oxygen of publicity.

Asked on 11 July 2011 by EB, Newcastle

Answered by Honest John
But I like Clarkson. He brightens my life. And has done more to lighten up motoring journalism than anyone else, ever. His is the one of the few voices that remains steadfastly politically incorrect. You can take some of his stuff seriously. Treat the rest with a pinch of salt. It depends how mature you are. Many of his outrageous statements are hilariously funny and his metaphors are better than anyone else’s writing today.

But anyway, couldn’t the increase in cycling deaths be attributed to the increase in cyclists, many of whom mistakenly think that they are helping to improve the environment when growing and processing the extra nourishment they require actually has the opposite effect? On 14th August a stupid cycling event closed many of Surrey’s roads causing utter chaos and undoubtedly a lot of fart gas being expelled into the atmosphere.
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