What car should I buy? - charlieb2020

I'm sure this forum gets a million of these posts so please delete if not allowed. I know next to nothing about cars (except how to drive them) so am looking for expert, or at least well-informed opinions on what I should get next.

For the past 3 years I've had a Renault Megane (on finance). It's a fine car, but unfortunately it fails every MOT test, and the payments are now excessively more than the car is worth due to me agreeing to a ridiculous finance offer. Someone suggested I take it back to AvailableCar and work out a deal to end the agreement early since I'm well over halfway through.

I'd now like to get rid and get something else, but unfortunately my knowledge of cars is limited, so I have no idea what to actually get. The only guidance I can give you is:

- Reliable (I've failed enough MOTs for one lifetime)

- High MPG. Currently get about 50-55mpg out of the Megane so would like to match or exceed this if poss. Not bothered about speed, I only drive to work and back. I won't be doing track days.

- Comfortable on country lanes with the occasional motorway stint.

- Preferably no older than 6 years but depends on reliability.

- Not tiny. I don't mind a smaller car but preferably something that can handle a trip to IKEA, a day out with my niece and nephew, couple of dogs etc (not all at once).

- Around £4-5k.

That's about it. As I say, speed isn't a factor, neither are looks. I just want a reliable, fuel-efficient, (boring), cheap car to get me to work. What do you guys reckon?


What car should I buy? - JoeB

I am no expert on cars but I have run petrol engine Toyotas for many years because they seem built for the long haul and are reliable. So my suggestion is to look at a suitable size Toyota model with petrol engine and no turbo. I think Honda and Mazda are pretty good too. Don't buy anything French or Italian - always a bag of trouble.

What car should I buy? - Falkirk Bairn

Nissans in the UK are in the main, rebadged Renaults.- avoid

What car should I buy?t - nellyjak

As above...Go Japanese and petrol...my personal favourite is the Toyota marque..simply because I have had many and they been unfailingly reliable.

Edited by nellyjak on 12/02/2020 at 07:44

What car should I buy? - charlieb2020

I've been looking into an Auris, people are constantly raving about the build quality on Toyotas and it looks to be a good size for me.

What car should I buy? - Pinstripe

Why is the Megane failing MoTs?

What car should I buy? - charlieb2020

It's been a different thing each year tbh. I know older cars generally need repairs to pass MOT but the build quality is a stress factor for me.

What car should I buy? - SLO76
Yes you can return a car after paying half but finance firms don’t like this and often will throw obstacles in the way. The car must be in good order so any paintwork that needs doing or any warning lights, illegal tyres etc etc will either see them reject it or bill you heavily. They really don’t want it back as at auction it’ll fetch buttons.

Remember that although they can’t directly damage your credit rating they can put a note on it detailing that you carried out a voluntary termination which will deter some lenders plus the firm you’re currently with will typically reject any future applications.

The best bet is to sell the car to a dealer or a we buy any car type outfit who’ll pay off the finance on your behalf assuming the car is worth what you owe. That way you preserve your credit entirely which is a hugely valuable thing in the longterm.

Remember also that any older car will require repairs at their Mot most years.
What car should I buy? - charlieb2020

I hadn't considered this. The problem is that the car is nowhere near worth what is left to pay on it because of the interest on the agreement I stupidly signed up to (there's around £4.5k left to pay, and the car is worth £2k on a good day). Due to a change in financial situation the payments are a serious burden to me, so either way I will have to get a loan (with a much better interest rate) to either buy a more reliable car or pay off the Renault and keep running it.

What car should I buy? - SLO76
Thus the reason why you should do your homework before buying. But you already learned this and you are now.

Yes, if the car is worth substantially less than the outstanding HP then it’s worth offloading via a voluntary termination despite the potential harm to your credit profile.

This time get a bank loan and come to us for advice on what to buy. But until you get shot of the Renault there’s no point on hunting for anything else. Use the link I posted for advice to return the car or seek others on the net, it’s quite common but don’t expect it to be too easy.
What car should I buy? - sajid

It normally called a renault migraine :)