VW Golf - Outstanding finance - Rossco
I’ve put a £250 deposit for a 2016 VW Golf. I just did an HPI check and it has outstanding finances flagged. Does anyone know if it’s possible that no OF are still there and the flags just not been taken down? I’m in a pickle on whether to inform the car garage selling it or call those potentially chasing the car/cash. The OF goes back to 2018. I’m thinking it’s good to be fair with the garage and let them deal with it. I think I’ll only progress with the vehicle if the flag can be taken off or I receive a letter from the PCP providers stating that there is no FO. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

Edited by Rossco on 29/10/2020 at 20:39

VW Golf - Outstanding finance - Bromptonaut

Your last main sentence says it all; no deal unless you've got conclusive proof the finance is cleared one way or another.

VW Golf - Outstanding finance - Miniman777

Is it a finance house connected to prev owner and not a stock finance, which is where the dealer is provided with finance for holding a car in stock. If not, you need to walk away. Lots more Golfs for sale.

OS finance was thrown up on my HPI check when I bought a BMW, but dealer confirmed it would be cleared post transaction and I received confirmation of such within a week.

More at www.carmoney.co.uk/blog/what-is-unit-stocking-fina...e

VW Golf - Outstanding finance - Rossco
The garage clear the debt a week before but HPI wasn’t. Got all the necessary confirmations and got a bought it ??