Car Crime Census 2013: Top 10 Bangers targeted by criminals

If you’re motoring on a budget then you’ll probably end up with an older car that’s lacking in security equipment. Not only that, but you’ll need to perform a few upgrades to keep up with modern cars – things like aftermarket audio systems and satellite navigation. All of those things combine to make easy targets for opportunists out to make a quick few pounds – so it’s the more important to be careful.

Click through the gallery below to see which older cars are the biggest targets for criminals. The number shown is the overall offence rate per 10,000 vehicles, to keep things comparative. For this top ten we’re looking at overall offences, including criminal damage, thefts and criminals breaking in to take things. We’ve applied a filter so the results shown are for cars of which more than 1000 are registered and on the road.

 See also: Top 10 Cars Stolen to order / Top 10 Most Stolen Cars

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Vauxhall Nova – 267 per 10,000 cars

Once one of the most common cars on UK roads, Novas are becoming steadily rarer. During the early 90s, when ‘joyriding’ was at its peak, the Nova was at its most popular and along with loads of other contemporary vehicles there were plenty of them to be seen burnt out in the numerous news stories.

Cars from the 80s and early 90s are easy to access with nothing more than a flathead screwdriver, and can be started up using similarly low tech equipment which makes them easy targets even today – though numbers are dwindling. 


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