Top 10: Cars thieves avoid breaking into

With modern security equipment like deadlocks and immobilisers it’s harder to steal cars than it used to be, but it’s still fairly easy to get in using brute force, so it’s important to keep valuables out of sight. In this list we’ve crunched the numbers and filtered out the cars which thieves tend to avoid breaking into.

It’s important to be careful when interpreting data like this so a few potentially anomalous results had to be omitted – specifically those with which model names could be confused. For example there’s a very low crime rate for the Almera Tino model but that’s probably because crimes involving it are recorded against the plain Almera. Click through our gallery below to see which cars do well, sorted by number of instances of ‘theft from’ per 10,000 cars.

Logos 2 Car Crime Census

For a breakdown by make and model click here.

See also: Top 10 Cars Stolen to order / Top 10 Most Stolen Cars

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Morris Minor – Nine per 10,000 cars

The Minor is a classic car now and like all classics it’s vulnerable because of its lack of security gear. However it’s likely that owners know that and keep their cars safe, perhaps in a garage or under a cover. Classics tend to be used as second cars, too, and consequently they’re only used on occasion, another factor to consider. 


   on 10 May 2017

I live in North Yorkshire and recently received a letter from North Yorkshire Police advising me of the fact that a large number of Defenders were being stolen, these theft's were done to fill order's from foreign countries with very poor roads. One defender owner in the village where I live only knew his car had been marked when the Ferry company at Holyhead rang them to ask if they would like to re-arrange the ferry crossing as they had not turned up for the one the vehicle was booked on. By luck they were having a family gathering and the Defender was parked up behind 4-5 other cars that night. Think again about the list ?.

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